Java Reference
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Sample Run: (In this sample run, the user input is shaded.)
Enter the radius of circle 1: 7
Enter the radius of circle 2: 4
Enter the radius of circle 3: 8
Enter the radius of circle 4: 9
Enter the radius of circle 5: 6
Circle 1: Radius = 7.00, Perimeter = 43.98, Area = 69.09
Circle 2: Radius = 4.00, Perimeter = 25.13, Area = 39.48
Circle 3: Radius = 8.00, Perimeter = 50.27, Area = 78.96
Circle 4: Radius = 9.00, Perimeter = 56.55, Area = 88.83
Circle 5: Radius = 6.00, Perimeter = 37.70, Area = 59.22
The preceding program works as follows. The statement in Line 7 creates the array
circles of 5 Circle objects. The for loop in Line 9 prompts the user to enter the
radius of 5 circles (Line 11), inputs the radius of each circle (Line 12), and instantiates and
sets the radius of circles (Line 13). The for loop in Line 16 outputs the radius, perimeter,
and area of each circle. Note that in the class Circle , the toString method returns
the radius, perimeter, and area of a circle.
In Chapter 8, we created the class RollDie to roll a die. The following program uses
this class to roll 100 dice and outputs the number of times each number is rolled, the
number(s) that are rolled the maximum number of times, and the maximum roll count.
// This program rolls 100 dice. It outputs the number of times
// each number is rolled, the number(s) that are rolled the
// maximum number of times, and the maximum roll count.
import java.util.*;
//Line 1
public class TestProgArrayofDice
//Line 2
//Line 3
static Scanner console = new Scanner(;
//Line 4
public static void main(String[] args)
//Line 5
//Line 6
RollDie[] dice = new RollDie[100];
//Line 7
int [] rollCount = new int [6];
//Line 8
int maxNumRoll = 0;
//Line 9
for ( int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
//Line 10
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