Java Reference
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The algorithm for the method main follows:
1. Create the cash register—that is, create and initialize a CashRegister
2. Create four dispensers—that is, create and initialize four objects of
type Dispenser . For example, the statement:
Dispenser candy = new Dispenser(100, 50);
creates a dispenser object, candy , to hold the candies. The number
of items in the dispenser is 100 , and the cost of an item is 50 cents.
3. Declare additional variables as necessary.
4. Show the selection; call the method showSelection .
5. Get the selection.
6. While not done (a selection of 9 exits the program):
a. Sell the product; call the method sellProduct .
b. Show the selection; call the method showSelection .
c. Get the selection.
The definition of the method main follows:
public static void main(String[] args)
CashRegister cashRegister = new CashRegister();
//Step 1
Dispenser candy = new Dispenser(100, 50);
//Step 2
Dispenser chips = new Dispenser(100, 65);
//Step 2
Dispenser gum = new Dispenser(75, 45);
//Step 2
Dispenser cookies = new Dispenser(100, 85);
//Step 2
int choice;
//variable to hold the selection
//Step 3
//Step 4
choice = console.nextInt();
//Step 5
while (choice != 9)
//Step 6
switch (choice)
//Step 6a
case 1:
sellProduct(candy, cashRegister);
break ;
case 2:
sellProduct(chips, cashRegister);
break ;
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