Java Reference
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The default constructor assigns the default values to the instance variables:
public Dispenser()
numberOfItems = 50;
cost = 50;
The definition of the class Dispenser is:
//class Dispenser
public class Dispenser
private int numberOfItems;
//variable to store the number of
//items in the dispenser
private int cost;
//variable to store the cost of an item
//Default constructor to set the cost and number of
//items to the default values
//Postcondition: numberOfItems = 50; cost = 50;
public Dispenser()
numberOfItems = 50;
cost = 50;
//Constructor with parameters to set the cost and number
//of items in the dispenser specified by the user
//Postcondition: numberOfItems = setNoOfItems;
// cost = setCost;
public Dispenser( int setNoOfItems, int setCost)
if (setNoOfItems >= 0)
numberOfItems = setNoOfItems;
numberOfItems = 50;
if (setCost >= 0)
cost = setCost;
cost = 50;
//Method to show the number of items in the dispenser
//Postcondition: The value of the instance variable
numberOfItems is returned.
public int getCount()
return numberOfItems;
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