Java Reference
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//Method to output the first name and last name
//in the form firstName lastName
public String toString()
return (firstName + " " + lastName);
//Method to set firstName and lastName according to
//the parameters
//Postcondition: firstName = first; lastName = last;
public void setName(String first, String last)
firstName = first;
lastName = last;
//Method to return the firstName
//Postcondition: the value of firstName is returned
public String getFirstName()
return firstName;
//Method to return the lastName
//Postcondition: the value of lastName is returned
public String getLastName()
return lastName;
-firstName: String
-lastName: String
+Person(String, String)
+toString(): String
+setName(String, String): void
+getFirstName(): String
+getLastName(): String
FIGURE 8-18 UML class diagram of the class Person
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