Java Reference
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The following example clarifies the effect of the modifier static .
Consider the following definition of the class Illustrate :
public class Illustrate
private int x;
private static int y;
public static int count;
//Default constructor
public Illustrate()
x = 0;
//Constructor with parameters
public Illustrate( int a)
x = a;
//Method to set x.
//Postcondition: x = a;
void setX( int a)
x = a;
//Method to return the values of the instance
//and static variables as a string
//The string returned is used by the methods
//print, println, or printf to print the values
//of the instance and static variables.
//Postcondition: The values of x, y, and count
//are returned as a string.
public String toString()
return ("x = " + x + ", y = " + y
+ ", count = " + count);
//Method to increment the value of the private
//static member y
//Postcondition: y is incremented by 1.
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