Java Reference
In-Depth Information
The definition of the copy constructor for the class Clock is:
public Clock(Clock otherClock)
hr =;
min = otherClock.min;
sec = otherClock.sec;
If you include this definition of the copy constructor in the class Clock , then the
statement in Line 2 declares aClock to be a reference variable of type Clock , instantiates
the object aClock , and initializes the instance variables of the object aClock using the
values of the instance variables of the object myClock .
The definition of the copy constructor of the class Clock can also be written as:
public Clock(Clock otherClock)
setTime(, otherClock.min, otherClock.sec);
The copy constructor is useful and will be included in most of the classes.
Static Members of a Class
In Chapter 7, we described the class es Math and Character . In Example 7-1 (of
Chapter 7), we used several methods of the class es Math and Character ; however, we
did not need to create any objects to use these methods. We simply used the import statement:
import static java.lang.Math.*;
and then called the method with an appropriate actual parameter list. For example, to use
the method pow of the class Math , we used expressions such as:
pow(5, 3)
Recall from Chapter 7 that if you are using versions of Java lower than Java 5.0 or you do
not include the preceding import statement, then you call the method pow as follows:
Math.pow(5, 3)
That is, we can simply call the method using the name of the class and the dot operator.
We cannot use the same approach with the class Clock . Although the methods of the
class Math are public , they also are defined using the modifier static . For example,
the heading of the method pow of the class Math is:
public static double pow( double base, double exponent)
The modifier static in the heading specifies that the method can be invoked by using
the name of the class . Similarly, if a data member of a class is declared using the
modifier static , it can be accessed by using the name of the class .
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