Java Reference
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public String toString()
return String.format("Radius = %.2f, Perimeter = %.2f"
+ ", Area = %.2f%n", radius, perimeter(),
We leave the UML class diagram of the class Circle as an exercise for you.
The following program shows how to use the class Circle in a program.
// Program to test various operations of the class Circle.
import java.util.*;
//Line 1
public class TestProgCircle
//Line 2
//Line 3
static Scanner console = new Scanner(;
//Line 4
public static void main(String[] args)
//Line 5
//Line 6
Circle firstCircle = new Circle();
//Line 7
Circle secondCircle = new Circle(12);
//Line 8
double radius;
//Line 9
System.out.println("Line 10: firstCircle: "
+ firstCircle);
//Line 10
System.out.println("Line 11: secondCircle: "
+ secondCircle);
//Line 11
System.out.print("Line 12: Enter the radius: "); //Line 12
radius = console.nextDouble();
//Line 13
//Line 14
//Line 15
System.out.println("Line 16: firstCircle: "
+ firstCircle );
//Line 16
if (firstCircle.getRadius()
> secondCircle.getRadius())
//Line 17
System.out.println("Line 18: The radius of "
+ "the first circle is greater than "
+ "the radius of the second circle. "); //Line 18
else if (firstCircle.getRadius()
< secondCircle.getRadius())
//Line 19
System.out.println("Line 20: The radius of "
+ "the first circle is less than the "
+ "radius of the second circle. ");
//Line 20
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