Java Reference
In-Depth Information
public Inventory(String n)
//Constructor 2
name = n;
itemNum = -1;
price = 0.0;
unitsInStock = 0;
public Inventory(String n, int iNum,
double cost)
//Constructor 3
name = n;
itemNum = iNum;
price = cost;
unitsInStock = 0;
public Inventory(String n, int iNum, double cost,
int inStock)
//Constructor 4
name = n;
itemNum = iNum;
price = cost;
unitsInStock = inStock;
//Add additional methods
This class has four constructors and four instance variables.
Consider the following declarations:
Inventory item1 = new Inventory();
Inventory item2 = new Inventory("Dryer");
Inventory item3 = new Inventory("Washer", 2345, 278.95);
Inventory item4 = new Inventory("Toaster", 8231, 34.49, 200);
For item1 , the default constructor in the line labeled //Constructor 1 executes
because no value is passed to this variable. For item2 , the constructor in the line
labeled //Constructor 2 executes because only one parameter, which is of type
String , is passed and it matches with that constructor. For item3 , the constructor
in the line labeled //Constructor 3 executes because three parameters are passed to
item3 and they match with that constructor. Similarly, for item4 , the constructor in
the line labeled //Constructor 4 executes (see Figure 8-14).
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