Java Reference
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That is, the preceding statement declares yourClock to be a reference variable of type
Clock and instantiates the object yourClock to store the hours, minutes, and seconds.
The instance variables hr , min , and sec of the object yourClock are initialized to 9 , 35 ,
and 15 , respectively, by the constructor with parameters.
When we use phrases such as ''create an object of a class type'' we mean to: (i) declare
a reference variable of the class type, (ii) instantiate the class object, and
(iii) store the address of the object into the reference variable declared. For example,
the following statements create the object tempClock of the Clock type:
Clock tempClock = new Clock();
The object tempClock is accessed via the reference variable tempClock .
Recall from Chapter 3 that a class object is called an instance of that class .
Accessing Class Members
Once an object of a class is created, the object can access the members (as explained in the
next paragraph, after the syntax) of the class . The general syntax for an object to access a
data member or a method is:
The class members that the class object can access depend on where the object is created.
￿ If the object is created in the definition of a method of the class, then the
object can access both the public and private members. We will
elaborate on this when we write the definitions of the methods equals ,
makeCopy , and getCopy of the class Clock later in this chapter.
￿ If the object is created elsewhere (for example, in a user's program), then
the object can access only the public members of the class.
Recall that in Java, the dot . (period) is called the member access operator.
Example 8-1 illustrates how to access the members of a class.
Suppose that the objects myClock and yourClock have been created as before. Consider
the following statements:
myClock.setTime(5, 2, 30);
yourClock.setTime(x, y, z);
//Assume x, y, and z are variables
//of type int that have been
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