Java Reference
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public String toLowerCase()
//code to convert all the characters of a string to lowercase
As you can see, the class String has quite a few members. It has methods to
implement operations such as compare strings and concatenation operations to join
strings. In general, to design a class you must know what data you need to manipulate
and what operations you need to manipulate the data. For example, suppose that you
want to design the class Circle that implements the basic properties of a circle. Now
every circle has a radius, which can be a floating-point value. Therefore, when you create
an object of the class Circle , then you must store the radius of the circle into that
object. Next, the two basic operations that are performed on a circle are to find the area
and circumference of the circle. Thus, the class Circle must provide these two
operations. This class needs to provide a few other operations to effectively use this class
in a program. In skeleton form, the definition of the class Circle is as follows:
public class Circle
private double radius;
public double area()
//code to determine the area of the circle
public double perimeter()
//code to determine the perimeter of the circle
//Additional methods as needed
At this point you don't need to be concerned with this definition of the class Circle .
We will create such a class in Example 8-4, of this chapter.
Considering the definition of the class Circle , it is apparent that to design your own
class you need to be familiar with several things. For example, in the definition of the
class Circle , the variable radius is declared with the keyword private and the
methods area and perimeter are declared with the keyword public . Also, notice that
the methods area and perimeter have no parameters. You will learn these and various
other characteristics of a class in this chapter.
Next, we give the syntax of a Java class and describe its various parts.
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