Java Reference
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Suppose that the heading of the method pow is:
public static double pow( double base, double exponent)
In this heading, you can see that the formal parameters of pow are base and exponent .
Consider the following statements:
double u = 2.5;
double v = 3.0;
double x, y, w;
x = pow(u, v);
//Line 1
y = pow(2.0, 3.2);
//Line 2
w = pow(u, 7);
//Line 3
In Line 1, the method pow is called with the parameters u and v . In this case, the values of
u and v are passed to the method pow . In fact, the value of u is copied into base and the
value of v is copied into exponent . The variables u and v that appear in the call to the
method pow in Line 1 are called actual parameters of that call. In Line 2, the method
pow is called with the parameters 2.0 and 3.2 . In this call, the value 2.0 is copied into
base and 3.2 is copied into exponent . In this call to the method pow , the actual
parameters are 2.0 and 3.2 , respectively. Similarly, in Line 3, the actual parameters of
the method pow are u and 7 . The value of u is copied into base , and 7.0 is copied into
exponent .
We now present the following two definitions:
Formal parameter: A variable declared in the method heading.
Actual parameter: A variable or expression listed in a call to a method.
The syntax of a value-returning method is:
modifier(s) returnType methodName(formal parameter list)
In this syntax:
modifier(s) indicates the visibility of the method, that is, where in a
program the method can be used (called). Some of the modifiers are
public , private , protected , static , abstract , and final . If you
include more than one modifier, they must be separated with spaces. You
can select one modifier among public , protected , and private . The
modifier public specifies that the method can be called outside the class;
the modifier private specifies that the method cannot be used outside
the class. Similarly, you can choose one of the modifiers static or
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