Java Reference
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Sample Run:
Line 1: Uppercase a is A
Line 4: 4.2 to the power of 3.0 = 74.09
Line 5: 5 to the power of 4 = 625.00
Line 7: u = 31.20
Line 9: The absolute value of -15 = 15
This program works as follows: The statement in Line 1 outputs the uppercase letter that
corresponds to 'a' ,whichis 'A' .InthestatementinLine4,themethod pow (of the class
Math )isusedtooutput u v . In Java terminology, it is said that the method pow is called with the
(actual) parameters u and v . In this case, the values of u and v are passed to the method pow .The
statement in Line 5 uses the method pow to output 5 4 . The statement in Line 6 uses the method
pow to determine 3 3 ,addsthisvaluetothevalueof u , and then stores the new value into u .
Notice that in this statement, the method pow is called using the name of the class ,whichis
Math , and the dot operator. The statement in Line 7 outputs the value of u .Thestatementin
Line 8 stores -15 into x , and the statement in Line 9 outputs the absolute value of x .
Additional programming examples that show how to use some of the other methods of the
class es Math and Character can be found with the Additional Student Files at
User-Defined Methods
Because Java does not provide every method that you will ever need, and designers
cannot possibly know a user's specific needs, you must learn to write your own methods.
User-defined methods in Java are classified into two categories:
￿ Value-returning methods—methods that have a return data type.
These methods return a value of a specific data type using the return
statement, which we will explain shortly.
￿ Void methods—methods that do not have a return data type. These
methods do not use a return statement to return a value.
The next section discusses value-returning methods. Many concepts regarding value-
returningmethods also apply to voidmethods. Voidmethods are discussed later in this chapter.
Value-Returning Methods
The previous section introduced some predefined Java methods, such as pow , sqrt ,
isLowerCase , and toUpperCase . These are examples of value-returning methods, that
is, methods that calculate and return a value. To use these methods in your programs, you
must know the following properties:
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