Java Reference
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12. Correct the syntax errors in the following program and add any additional
statements necessary to make the program work:
import javax.jswing.*;
public class ROne extends JFrame
static private final int WIDTH = 400;
static private final int HEIGHT = 300;
public RectangleProgramOne()
SetVisible( true );
public static void main(String args[])
ROne r1 = r1();
13. Correct the syntax errors in the following program:
public class RTwo extends JFrame
public RTwoProgram()
private JLabel length, width, area;
setTitle("Good day Area");
length = JLabel("Enter the length);
width = JLabel("Enter the width);
area = JLabel("Area: ");
containerPane = ContentPane();
public static void main(String args[])
RTwoProgram R2 = new RTwoProgram();
14. Consider a common DVD player. What are the methods of a DVD player?
15. What are the methods of an ATM?
16. Do an OOD analysis of the following problem: Write a program to input the
dimensions of a cylinder, and calculate and print the surface area and volume.
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