Java Reference
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2. Name some commonly used GUI components and their uses.
3. Name a GUI component that can be used for both input and output.
4. Name two input GUI components.
5. Why do you need labels in a GUI program?
6. Why would you prefer a GUI program over a non-GUI version?
7. What are the advantages of problem analysis, GUI design, and algorithm
design over directly writing a program?
8. Modify the temperature conversion program to convert centimeters to
inches, and vice versa.
9. Modify the program to compute the area and perimeter of a rectangle so
that your new program will compute the sum and product of two numbers.
Fill in the blanks in each of the following:
a. A(n) _____________ places GUI components in a container.
b. Clicking a button is a(n)_____________.
c. The method _____________ is invoked when a button is pressed and
a(n) _____________ is registered to handle the event.
d. _____________operator is needed to instantiate an object.
e. A class
of members:
f. To create a window, you extend the _____________class.
g. Every GUI program is a(n)_____________ program.
h. The method _____________ gets the string in the JTextField and
the method _____________ changes
the string displayed in a
JTextField .
If Student is a class and you create a new class GradStudent by
extending Student , then Student is a(n) _____________ and
GradStudent is a(n) _____________.
Event and event
listener classes
are contained in the package
k. The unit of measure of length in a window is _____________.
11. Write necessary statements to create the following GUI components:
a. A JLabel with the text string "Enter the number of courses"
b. A JButton with the text string "Run"
c. A JTextField that can display 15 characters
d. A window with the title "Welcome Home!"
e. A window with a width of 200 pixels and a height of 400 pixels
f. A JTextField that displays the string "Apple tree"
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