Java Reference
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Notice the following:
￿ The class CalculateButtonHandler starts with the modifier
private . This is because you want this class to be used only within
your RectangleProgram .
￿ This class uses another modifier, implements . This is how you build
classes on top of classes that are interfaces. Notice that you have not yet
provided the code for the method actionPerformed . You will do that
In Java, implements is a reserved word.
Next, we illustrate how to create a listener object of type CalculateButtonHandler .
Consider the following statements:
CalculateButtonHandler cbHandler;
cbHandler = new CalculateButtonHandler();
//instantiate the object
As described, these statements create the listener object. Having created a listener, you
next must associate (or in Java terminology, register) this handler with the corresponding
JButton . The following line of code registers cbHandler as the listener object of
calculateB :
The complete definition of the class CalculateButtonHandler , including the code
for the method actionPerformed , is:
private class CalculateButtonHandler implements
//Line 1
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
//Line 2
double width, length, area, perimeter;
//Line 3
= Double.parseDouble(lengthTF.getText());
//Line 4
= Double.parseDouble(widthTF.getText());
//Line 5
area = length * width;
//Line 6
perimeter = 2 * (length + width);
//Line 7
areaTF.setText("" + area);
//Line 8
perimeterTF.setText("" + perimeter);
//Line 9
In the preceding program segment, Line 1 declares the class
CalculateButtonHandler and makes it an action listener by including the phrase
implements ActionListener . Note that all of this code is just a new class definition.
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