Java Reference
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The buttons calculateB and exitB can be placed into the container pane by using the
method add . The following statements add these buttons to the pane :
Now you have two more objects in the container, so you need to modify the
GridLayout to accommodate five rows and two columns, and then add all the compo-
nents. The following statements create the required grid layout and add the labels, text
fields, and buttons to the container pane :
pane.setLayout( new GridLayout(5,2)); //specify the layout
//add the label lengthL
//add the text field lengthTF
//add the label widthL
//add the text field widthTF
//add the label areaL
//add the text field areaTF
//add the label perimeterL
//add the text field perimeterTF
//add the button calculateB
//add the button exitB
Notice that the preceding add statements place the components from left to right and
from top to bottom.
You have now learned how to create a window, how to create a container, and how to
create labels, text fields, and buttons.
Now that you can create a button, such as calculateB , you need to specify how such
a button should behave when you click it. For example, when you click the button
calculateB , you want the program to calculate the area and perimeter of the
rectangle and display these values in their respective text fields. Similarly, when you
click the button exitB , the program should terminate.
Clicking a JButton creates an event, known as an action event, which sends a
message to another object, known as an action listener. When the listener receives
the message, it performs some action. Sending a message or an event to a listener
object simply means that some method in the listener object is invoked with the
event as the argument. This invocation happens automatically; you will not see the
code corresponding to the method invocation. However, you must specify two
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