Java Reference
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RectangleProgram , containing the application program to calculate the area and peri-
meter of a rectangle, is as follows:
public class RectangleProgram extends JFrame
public RectangleProgram()
//Necessary code
public static void main(String[] args)
//Code for the method main
In Java, extends is a reserved word. The remainder of this section describes the necessary
code to create a window.
An important property of inheritance is that the class (called a subclass) that extends the
definition of an existing class (called a superclass) inherits all the properties of the
superclass. For example, all public methods of the superclass can be directly accessed in
the subclass. In our example, the class RectangleProgram is a subclass of the class
JFrame , so it can access the public methods of the class JFrame . Therefore, to set the
title of the window to Area and Perimeter of a Rectangle , you use the method
setTitle of the class JFrame as follows:
setTitle("Area and Perimeter of a Rectangle");
//Line 1
Similarly, the statement:
setSize(400, 300); //Line 2
sets the window's width to 400 pixels and its height to 300 pixels. (A pixel is the smallest
unit of space on your screen. The term pixel stands for picture element.) Note that since the
pixel size depends on the current monitor setting, it is impossible to predict the exact
width and height of a window in centimeters or inches.
Next, to display the window, you must invoke the method setVisible . The following
statement accomplishes this:
setVisible( true ); //Line 3
To terminate the application program when the user closes the window, use the follow-
ing statement (as described in Table 6-1):
setDefaultCloseOperation(EXIT_ON_CLOSE); //Line 4
The statements in Lines 1, 2, 3, and 4 will be placed in the constructor (that is, in the
method whose heading is public RectangleProgram() ). Thus, you can write the
constructor as follows:
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