Java Reference
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In this interface, the user can:
￿ See the entire input and output simultaneously
￿ Input values for length and width, in any order of preference
￿ Input values that can be corrected after entering them and before clicking
the Calculate button
￿ Enter another set of input values and click the Calculate button to
obtain the area and perimeter of another rectangle
The interface shown in Figure 6-2 contains various Java GUI components that are labeled
in Figure 6-3.
FIGURE 6-3 Java GUI components
As you can see in Figure 6-3, the white areas used to get the input and show the results
are called JTextFields . The labels for these text fields, such as Enter the length: , are
called JLabels ; the buttons Calculate and Exit are each called a JButton . All these
components are placed in a window, called JFrame .
Creating this type of user interface is not difficult. Java has done all the work; you merely
need to learn how to use the tools provided by Java to create such an interface. For
example, to create an interface like the one shown in Figures 6-2 and 6-3 that contains
labels, text fields, buttons, and windows, you need to learn how to write the statements
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