Java Reference
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12 . The method hasNext returns the value true if there is an input (token) in
the input stream, otherwise it returns false .
13 . In the Windows console environment, the end-of-file marker is entered
using Ctrl+z . (Hold the Ctrl key and press z .) In the UNIX environ-
ment, the end-of-file marker is entered using Ctrl+d . (Hold the Ctrl key
and press d .)
14 . In Java, for is a reserved word.
15 . A for loop simplifies the writing of a counter-controlled while loop.
16 . The syntax of the for loop is:
for (initialize expression; logical expression; update expression)
The statement is called the body of the for loop.
17 . If you put a semicolon at the end of the for loop (before the body of the
for loop), the action of the for loop is empty.
18 . The syntax of the do ... while statement is:
while (logical expression);
19 . The statement is called the body of the do ... while loop.
20 . The body of the while and for loops might not execute at all, but the
body of a do ... while loop always executes at least once.
21 . In a while or for loop, the loop condition is evaluated before executing
the body of the loop. Therefore, while and for loops are called pretest
22 . In a do ... while loop, the loop condition is evaluated after executing the
body of the loop. Therefore, do ... while loops are called post-test loops.
23 . Executing a break statement in the body of a loop immediately terminates
the loop.
24 . Executing a continue statement in the body of a loop skips the loop's
remaining statements and proceeds with the next iteration.
25 . When a continue statement executes in a while or do ... while loop,
the update statement in the body of the loop might not execute.
26 . After a continue statement executes in a for loop, the update statement is
the next statement executed.
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