Java Reference
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The following for loop executes five empty statements:
for (i = 0; i < 5; i++); //Line 1
System.out.println("*"); //Line 2
The semicolon at the end of the for statement (before the output statement in Line 2)
terminates the for loop. The action of this for loop is empty. The statement in Line 2
outputs a star.
The preceding examples show that care is required to get a for loop to perform the
desired action.
Some additional comments on for loops follow:
￿ If the logical expression is initially false , the loop body does not
￿ The update expression, when executed, should change the value of the loop
control variable, which eventually sets the value of the loop condition to
false .The for loop executes indefinitely if the loop condition is always true .
If you put a semicolon at the end of a for statement (just before the body
of the loop), the action of the for loop is empty.
In a for statement, if the logical expression is omitted, it is assumed
to be true .
In a for statement, you can omit all three statements— initial
expression , logical expression , and update expression . The
following is a legal for loop:
for (;;)
This is an infinite for loop, continuously printing the world Hello .
More examples of for loops follow.
1. You can count backward using a for loop if the for loop control
expressions are set correctly. For example, consider the following for loop:
for (i = 10; i >= 1; i--)
System.out.print(i + " ");
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