Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Sample Run: (Figure 5-3 shows the sample run.)
FIGURE 5-3 Sample run FibonacciNumber
for Looping (Repetition) Structure
The while loop discussed in the previous section is general enough to implement all
forms of repetitions. As noted earlier, Java provides three looping structures. The previous
section discussed while loops in detail. This section explains how to use Java's for loop.
The general form of the for statement is:
for (initial expression; logical expression; update expression)
In Java, for is a reserved word. The logical expression is called the loop condition.
The initial expression , logical expression , and update expression (called
for loop control expressions) are enclosed within parentheses and control the body
( statement ) of the for statement. Note that the for loop control expressions are
separated by semicolons, and that the body of a for loop can have either a simple or
compound statement. Figure 5-4 shows the flow of execution of a for loop.
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