Java Reference
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a. Write Java statements that import the class es Scanner , FileReader ,
and PrintWriter from the package s java.util and .
b. Write statements that declare inFile to be a reference variable of type
Scanner and outFile to be a reference variable of type PrintWriter .
c. The program will read data from the file inData.txt and write output to
the file outData.dat . Write statements to open both these files, associate
inFile with inData.txt , and associate outFile with outData.dat .
Suppose that the file inData.txt contains the following data:
10.20 5.35
Randy Gill 31
18500 3.5
The numbers in the first line represent the length and width, respectively,
of a rectangle. The number in the second line represents the radius of a
circle. The third line contains the first name, last name, and the age of a
person. The first number in the fourth line is the savings account balance
at the beginning of the month and the second number is the interest rate
per year. (Assume that p ΒΌ 3.1416.) The fifth line contains an uppercase
letter between A and Y (inclusive). Write statements so that after the
program executes, the contents of the file outData.txt are as shown
below. If necessary, declare additional variables. Your statements should
be general enough so that if the content of the input file changes and the
program is run again (without editing and recompiling), it outputs the
appropriate results.
Length = 10.20, width = 5.35, area = 54.57, parameter = 31.10
Radius = 15.60, area = 764.54, circumference = 98.02
Name: Randy Gill, age: 31
Beginning balance = $18500.00, interest rate = 3.50
Balance at the end of the month = $18553.96
The character that comes after A in the ASCII set is B
e. Write the statement that closes the output file.
f. Write a Java application program that tests the Java statements that you
wrote in parts a-e.
2. Consider the following program in which the statements are in the incorrect
order. Rearrange the statements so that the program prompts the user to
input the height and the radius of the base of a cylinder, and outputs the
volume and surface area of the cylinder. Also modify the relevant output
statements to format the output to two decimal places.
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