Java Reference
In-Depth Information
14 . The int data type is used to represent integers between 2147483648
(= 2 31 ) and 2147483647 = (2 31 1). The memory allocated for the int
data type is 4 bytes.
15 . The data type short is used to represent integers between 32768
(= 2 15 ) and 32767 (2 15 1). The memory allocated for the short data
type is 2 bytes.
16 . Java uses the Unicode character set, which is a set of 65536 characters. The
ASCII character set, which has 128 values, is a subset of Unicode. The first
128 characters of Unicode, 0-127, are the same as those of ASCII.
17 . The collating sequence of a character is its preset number in the Unicode
character data set.
18 . The data types float and double are used to deal with floating-point
19 . The data type float can be used in Java to represent any real number
between 3.4E+38 and 3.4E+38. The memory allocated for the float
data type is 4 bytes.
20 . The data type double can be used in Java to represent any real number
between 1.7E+308 and 1.7E+308. The memory allocated for
double data type is 8 bytes.
21 . The maximum number of significant digits—that is, the number of decimal
places—in float values is 6 or 7. The maximum number of significant
digits in values belonging to the double type is 15. The maximum number
of significant digits is called the precision.
22 . Values of type float are called single precision, and values of type double
are called double precision.
23 . The arithmetic operators in Java are addition ( + ), subtraction ( - ), multi-
plication ( * ), division ( / ), and mod ( % ).
24 . The mod operator, % , gives the remainder upon division.
25 . All operands in an integral expression, or integer expression, are integers,
and all operands in a floating-point expression are decimal numbers.
26 . A mixed expression is an expression that consists of both integers and
decimal numbers.
27 . When evaluating an operator in an expression, an integer is treated as a
floating-point number, with a decimal part of zero, only if the operator has
mixed operands.
28 . You can use the cast operator to explicitly treat values of one data type as
29 . The class String is used to manipulate strings.
30 . A string is a sequence of zero or more characters.
31 . Strings in Java are enclosed in double quotation marks.
32 . A string containing no characters is called a null or empty string.
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