Java Reference
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System.out.println(first + " " + second + " " + SECRET_NUM);
hoursWorked = 35;
paycheck = hoursWorked * PAY_RATE;
System.out.println("Wages = " +
25. A correct answer is:
public class Exercise25
static final char STAR = '*';
static final int
PRIME = 71;
public static void main(String[] arg)
int count = 1;
int sum = count + PRIME;
double x = 25.67;
int newNum = count * PRIME + 2;
sum = sum + count;
x = x + sum * count;
System.out.println(" count = " + count + ", sum = "
+ sum + ", PRIME = " + PRIME);
27. The class String is contained in the package java.lang . You do not need
to import classes from the package java.lang . The system automatically does
it for you.
a. x = x + 5 - z;
b. y = y * (2 * x + 5 - z);
c. w = w + 2 * z + 4;
d. x = x - (z + y - t);
e. sum = sum + num;
f. x = x / (y - 2);
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