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decrement the value of the variable by 1 . What is the difference between the pre and post
forms of these operators? The difference becomes apparent when the variable using these
operators is employed in an expression.
Suppose that x is a variable of type int .If ++x is used in an expression, first the value of x
is incremented by 1 , and then the new value of x is used to evaluate the expression. On
the other hand, if x++ is used in an expression, first the current value of x is used in the
expression, and then the value of x is incremented by 1 . The following example clarifies
the difference between the pre- and post-increment operators.
Suppose that x and y are int variables. Consider the following statements:
x = 5;
y = ++x;
The first statement assigns the value 5 to x . To evaluate the second statement, which uses
the pre-increment operator, first the value of x is incremented to 6 , and then this value,
6 , is assigned to y . After the second statement executes, both x and y have the value 6 .
Now consider the following statements:
x = 5;
y = x++;
As before, the first statement assigns 5 to x . In the second statement, the post-increment
operator is applied to x . To execute the second statement, first the value of x , which is 5 ,
is used to evaluate the expression, and then the value of x is incremented to 6 . Finally, the
value of the expression, which is 5 , is stored in y . After the second statement executes,
the value of x is 6 and the value of y is 5 .
The following example further illustrates how the pre- and post-increment operators work.
Suppose a and b are int variables and:
a = 5;
b = 2 + (++a);
The first statement assigns 5 to a . To execute the second statement, first the expression
2 + (++a ) is evaluated. As the pre-increment operator is applied to a , first the value of a is
incremented to 6 . Then, 2 is added to 6 to get 8 , which is then assigned to b . Therefore,
after the second statement executes, a is 6 and b is 8 . On the other hand, after the
execution of:
a = 5;
b = 2 + (a++);
the value of a is 6 while the value of b is 7 .
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