Java Reference
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//constructor with parameter
//Postcondition: x = num
public IntClass( int num)
x = num;
//Method to set the data member x
public void setNum( int num)
x = num;
//Method to return the value of x
//Postcondition: The value of x is returned
public int getNum()
return x;
//Method to update the value of x by adding
//the value of num
//Postcondition: x = x + num;
public void addToNum( int num)
x = x + num;
//Method to update the value of x by multiplying
//the value of x by num
//Postcondition: x = x * num;
public void multiplyToNum( int num)
x = x * num;
//Method to compare the value of x with the value of num
//Postcondition: Returns a value < 0 if x < num
// Returns 0 if x == num
// Returns a value>0ifx>num
public int compareTo( int num)
return (x - num);
//Method to compare x with num for equality
//Postcondition: Returns true if x == num;
// otherwise it returns false
public boolean equals( int num)
if (x == num)
return true ;
return false;
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