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benefit to this system is also that it still works if an intruder is skilled
enough to cut the phone lines before attempting a break-in.
Technology has greatly increased the number of options for alarm sys-
tems. Infrared motion detectors, infrared beam perimeters, and glass-
break alarms are common. Security systems may be accessed through the
Internet as well. If you are away from home and are using a security system
with this type of remote access feature, you can connect to the Internet
and actually interact with your security system. Perhaps you merely want
to check the status of the system to ensure that all is well. If your system
uses a video camera system, you can monitor the cameras from your com-
puter. Other systems allow you to turn on lights or bypass a particular
system or zone. After this point, security becomes quite James Bondian.
Certain perimeter systems sense vibration, sound, and the pressure of
footfalls. Some perimeter systems can distinguish between a bird landing
on a fence and a person attempting to climb over it. These “smart fences”
make any attempt at intrusion virtually impossible. There are three ways
to get past a fence: You can climb over it, cut through it, or tunnel under-
neath it. The products of some fence companies can not only detect any
such attempts but also have an incredibly low number of false alarms. Once
these fences go up, a perimeter is established that is virtually impossible
to cross without being detected. That is the mission. These fences are not
designed to be unbreachable barriers; they are merely an enhanced alert
system. In extremely hostile areas, smart fences can be doubled, with razor
wire in between plus other impediments against attack.
Video cameras and infrared technology also provide further enhance-
ment to the security of a residence or other facility. The presence of
camera systems is, by itself, a deterrent to entry or assault. Closed circuit
cameras tell potential intruders that they are expected. Furthermore, in
addition to the fact that the residents may well be alerted to the presence
of the assailant or thief, criminals realize that if they continue with their
plans, the camera will record them. Even if they think they can be suc-
cessful, they must weigh the likelihood of success with the risk of later
identification and capture.
Cameras also enhance access control ability. For example, a restricted
access gate or door with a closed circuit TV (CCTV) camera monitoring
the entrance allows the resident or guard the ability to visually confirm
the identity of individuals before they are granted admittance. In addi-
tion, cameras allow you to observe areas around the house that you cannot
see. Attackers or burglars always try to avoid areas from where they can be
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