Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Exhibit 1.3
Anti-U.S. Attacks for the Year 2001
Source: U.S. Department of State, “Patterns of Global Terrorism 2001,” Washington, DC:
Office for Counterterrorism, May 21, 2001.
at business facilities. The same is true for the attacks specifically directed
at American interests during the year 2001. In fact, the same is true for
the past 10 years. Terrorists deliberately target business interests. This
trend will certainly continue as the terrorists clearly understand the finan-
cial damage that the World Trade Center attack caused. They understand,
correctly, that the government of the United States is subject to pressure
from its citizens. That is the nature of our representative republic. The
government also is subject to the influence of the leading U.S. corpora-
tions that have an arguably disproportionate power as a result of the enor-
mous contributions they make to political candidates. If corporate profits
are endangered, terrorists reason, corporations will use their influence to
persuade the U.S. government from taking actions that may result in eco-
nomic harm to big business. What the terrorists always fail to grasp is the
level of resolve of the American people. Americans are refugees from the
type of tyrannical regimes that many of the terror groups seek to impose.
Americans have an understanding of right and wrong and will not be
bullied or intimidated into doing anything that is not consistent with
our core values. This is why we continue the fight against terror and why
American business continues to thrive in virtually every market in the
This is the current political reality of our time. We continue to do busi-
ness in the face of threats from those opposed to our way of life. We do
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