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this type of equipment provide instruction to their customers in the field.
They will train your staff in the proper use of the machines and enable
them to detect threats that would be otherwise impossible to observe. In
addition, it is also possible, and relatively inexpensive, to separate the air
space in the mailroom from the building's ventilation system. This will
prevent the contamination of the entire facility in the case of an attack
with a hazardous chemical or biohazard such as anthrax. Exposure would
be contained and would not spread beyond the mailroom. This precau-
tion may be implemented quickly, and it dramatically reduces the number
of individuals exposed in the event of such an attack. If you are an exec-
utive in your firm, you should make it a priority to establish such a plan
in your place of business. If you're not an executive or manager, you need
to bring this issue to the attention of management or the appropriate
decision maker.
We have included a basic mailroom protocol to assist you in under-
standing the steps to be taken to properly secure your mail facility. However,
implementation of an effective screening system requires a comprehensive
methodology tailored to the unique needs of your facility. In addition, the
system is only as good as the people operating it. Laziness, incompetence,
poor training, and human error can cause the system to fail. Therefore, a
truly effective screening system also should include personnel selection
criteria, training guidelines, and an ongoing evaluation process. It also
should provide a mechanism for reporting and correcting lapses and fail-
ures. Exhibit 11.2 is a sample mail-
room screening protocol.
Remember, sometimes a package
will display several of the warning
signs listed in the exhibit; sometimes
it will display only one or two. Some-
times bombers are cognizant enough
of screening procedures to pack a
bomb or biohazard bearing none of
the warning signs. As a general rule,
however, there will be at least some
indication that the package or letter
deserves to be given a greater level of
scrutiny. Exhibit 11.1 shows an other-
wise innocuous-looking package bear-
ing a restrictive endorsement. Notice,
Exhibit 11.1
Package Requiring
Special Handling
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