Database Reference
In-Depth Information
Table 4-1. Agent Removal Tasks
> emctl status agent | grep "<Agent URL>"
Remote host
Get the target name from the agent
Stop the agent with emcli or emctl .
You could also use emcli stop_agent verb
described earlier in this chapter to shut it
down from a CLI session. Since the complete
agent-removal task includes
on OUI session on the remote host,
as in this case it is simpler to
execute the emctl command
> emctl stop agent
Remote host
> emcli delete_target -name="<Agent Name>"
Delete the target
cd $AGENT_BASE/core/<agent release>/oui/bin
./runInstaller -deinstall -remove_all_files
Remote host
Uninstall plugin and sbin binaries.
OUI Oracle home removal carries the same
relationships as target creation inside OEM.
The agent home was created first and must
be deleted last in a separate step.
Remote host
Uninstall the agent software with the
including_files option
Transferring Targets to Another EM Agent
Changes happen. Perhaps you've decided to move a database to a different host or you want to change the directory
containing your EM agent binaries. You could drop and rediscover the targets, but you'd lose their metric history.
You can retain that history and reassign metric collection and blackout responsibility for specific targets to
another EM agent using the relocate_targets verb.
How It Works
Each EM agent has its own targets.xml file located in $AGENT_BASE/agent_inst/sysman/emd. The relocate_targets
verb updates those XML files on the source and destination hosts and also updates the relationships in the repository.
The agent and the targets it monitors must reside on the same host. That means that you can't use relocate_targets
to monitor databases through an agent on a different host. This technique is limited to moving targets to an EM agent
on the same host or to performing a migration task to another server. Let's look at an example.
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