Database Reference
In-Depth Information
emcli get_agent_properties -agent_name=acme_qa:3872
Name Value
agentTZRegion America/Los_Angeles
emdRoot /opt/oracle/agent12c/core/
agentStateDir /opt/oracle/agent12c/agent_inst
perlBin /opt/oracle/agent12c/core/
scriptsDir /opt/oracle/agent12c/core/ scripts
EMD_URL https://acme_qa:3872/emd/main/
UploadInterval 15
Total Properties : 10
emcli get_agent_property -agent_name=acme_qa:3872 -name=agentTZRegion
Property Name: agentTZRegion
Property Value: America/Los_Angeles
Deleting EM Targets with EM CLI
The delete_targets verb can be used to remove individual targets or a group of related targets. It may seem simpler
to select targets individually from the console and press the Delete Target button. That's usually true, but we've found
that under some conditions it's possible to end up with orphaned targets, like an oracle_dbsys target type left behind
when all its fellow members were deleted. Besides, if you have an EM CLI client installed on your desktop you can
remove the target without logging into the console!
Let's first look at an example of removing an individual target. Let's say that database bertha was finally retired,
and so was the related listener LSNRBERTHA. Both of them belong to an oracle_dbsys target type. 1
Find Exact Target Names
The console derives target names and target types from session information, so target deletion within the console is
sure to use the exact name and target type for both of these targets. To find those values, we'll use the get_targets
verb and a simple grep to distinguish the targets we're interested in.
> emcli get_targets | grep -i bertha
1 Up oracle_database bertha
1 Up oracle_dbsys bertha_sys
1 Up oracle_listener
Delete the Target
The database and listener both belong to the database system bertha_sys, so all three can be deleted with one command:
> emcli delete_target -type = "oracle_db_sys" -name="bertha_sys" -delete_members
Target "bertha_sys:oracle_dbsys" deleted successfully
1 There are several target types in your environment. During its installation, the EM agent discovers the targets on the host and
associates them with specific target types. A new Oracle Home is created and the appropriate plug-in is installed for each target type
identified. The labels of each target type are fixed, and each target is associated with one and only one target type.
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