Database Reference
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Figure 7-11. Options for adding, editing, and deleting scripts from the software library folder CLI Target Script
all entities checked into the software library must have a unique name. if you are adding a script that has the
same name as one that already exists in the software library, it will ask you to rename it before adding it.
The CLI Target Script is now visible in the library and available to the software library.
Building a Report Definition Library
The software library folders can be built out to then create a library available to the repository, rather than writing new
scripts each time or having scripts housed on different hosts or workstations.
Plan out the library carefully, just as you did for the other entities. Create a separate library folder location and
consider the space allocation required for this type of provisioning. Plan for entities from other features, such as
metric extensions, software installations, and application builds that will need to be part of a report definition when
completing a composite report.
OEM Jobs Using CLI Calls
Enterprise jobs are the backbone of the EM environment. They run everything behind the scenes for many of the
features that we use every day as part of Enterprise Manager 12c Cloud Control. The administrator has the added
capability to run EM jobs from the command line. Setting up jobs to run from the EM CLI is a simple process once one
gathers requirements and becomes familiar with them. Using the help function for the create_job verb in the EM
CLI, we can gather the requirements:
$ emcli help create_job
emcli create_job
Create and schedule a job.
-name: Optional parameter. The name may be specified in the input file instead.
-type: Optional parameter. The type may be specified in the input file instead.
-input_file: Required parameter. <filename> must be provided to load the properties for
creating and scheduling the job.
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