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Chapter 7
Using the Software Library and
Oracle Extensibility Exchange
The OEM Software Library
Creating a software library ensures that all provisioning, patching, and scripting entities are stored in a location
available to the OEM repository; this conserves resources and costs for the IT infrastructure. The concept appears
simple enough, but often you enter an IT organization and find that there are multiple sources for installation media,
patch locations, and so on. Having a central software library that is configured within the EM12c environment and
sized appropriately (100 GB minimum for small environments, 250 GB minimum for extensive and HA/MAA [High
Availability/Maximum Availability Architecture] environments) ensures that provisioning, patching, and scripting
can be supported for the life of the OEM system.
The added benefit to a central library for software is the reduction of repeating tasks, such as downloading
software or recreating valuable scripts, deployment procedures, and other Enterprise Manager entities.
Software Library
EM12c offers a valuable feature: the OEM software library. The shared storage location must be configured before
you're able to utilize and administer the software library. This requires a repository that can be referenced and is
located in shared file storage, either an OMS shared file system or an OMS agent file location on the host where the
OMS resides.
When planning the design of the software library storage, consider the OMS environment design. If multiple
OMS instances exist, then a shared or mounted path would be the best option. Depending on the decision, the
configuration will be slightly different for the software library storage setup.
Setting Up Software Library Storage
There are two paths by which this can be achieved, either from the Setup menu for Provisioning and Patching or from
the left option, Cloud Control. The interface shown in Figure 7-1 can be accessed in the EM12c console without the
Cloud Control plugin by clicking on Setup, Provisioning and Patching, then on Software Library.
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