Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
Bhuyan RN, Gosh D, Sarma D (2009) Fish and fi sheries
in North-East India, recent advances and rebuilding.
Geophil Publishing House, Shillong
Bora AK, Barman B (1998) A Geo- ecological study of
the wetlands of Barpetadistrict, Assam. North East
Geogr 29(1 & 2):44-51
aquaculture, it is more important to culture fi sh in
the concerned area of the district of Barpeta,
Assam, where large natural water bodies are
available. Environmental factors, however, have
come to pose problematical issues in pisciculture
development of the concerned area. In order to
propagate pisciculture activities, more and more
species are needed to cultivate in culture condi-
tion. Hence, the knowledge of the wetlands ecol-
ogy is most essential, and there is tremendous
scope for future prospect to culture fi shes of dif-
ferent commercially important species in differ-
ent wetlands of Assam. In Barpeta district,
wetlands have been facing crisis for their exis-
tence during recent decades due to high rate of
encroachment of marginal population, frequent
fl oods, siltation, blocking of mouth of the beels
and other developmental activities carried out in
and around the wetlands. However, it can be rec-
ognized as a potential source of high quantum of
fi sh production for the state with proper planning.
For the state like Assam which is endowed with
numerous wetlands of varied sizes, pisciculture
could be the main alternative for the areas which
are frequently plagued with fl ood hazard.
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Sarma P (2007) Ecological basis of the economy of peri-
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Barpeta district, Assam, Assam Science Technology &
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