Environmental Engineering Reference
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Umed Bhawan Pond
of vultures are now common and migrant,
cinereous vulture, griffon vulture, and Himalayan
Griffon.Imperialsandgrouse( Pterocles orientalis ),
Sind sparrow ( Passer pyrrhonotus ), Spanish
sparrows ( Passer hispaniolensis ), European
Chiffchaff ( Phylloscops collybita ), and lesser
whitethroat( Sylvia curruca ) are migrant species.
This small pond is situated (26° 16′ 51 N,
73° 2′ 49 E) on the foot hills of Umed Bhawan
Palace, Jodhpur, and was built for drinking
water supply to the fort. The large lock of ruff
(1500-2000), greater lamingoes, demoiselle
cranes, cormorants, and dwindling ducks is the
main feature of this pond. Though the pond is on
a rocky bed, yet it has both shallow and deep
water for both wades and dwindling ducks,
respectively. The vegetation is mainly composed of
shrubs Prosopis julilora, Euphorbia caducifolia,
and Capparis decidua .
Thesizeofthispondisverysmall(0.8km 2 )
(Table 17.3 ). About 64 species of 28 families
were recorded during the study period out of
which about 32 were wetland species and the rest
were scrubland and garden species. The diversity
wasfoundtobethelowest( ʱ = 1.16). The evenness
of the pond species was found to be the lowest of
all sites ( E =0.28) (Table 17.3 and Fig. 17.2 ).
The pond is well protected as it is privately owned
and a part of Umed Bhawan Palace which is a
major threat in the enclosed area of the pond.
Diversity Among the Study Sites
Ponds and lakes of study area were compared for
the estimation of similarity in the composition
of species excluding the species other than
pond were found most similar beta diversity
lands shared about 63 species out of 153 in both
wetlands. The cluster analysis also showed both
of these wetlands combine at the least distance in
thedendrogram(Fig. 17.3 ). Likewise Barli pond
showed similarity with Kaylana Lake, sharing 60
species out of 148 total species. Umed Bhawan
pond shared the least number of species with all
others. However, it showed some similarity with
BalsamandLake( ʲ =0.298)(Table 17.4 ).
Cluster analysis showed three main clusters,
is joined by Barli pond and Akheraj pond, there-
after the second cluster of Gudha pond and
Balsamand Lake joins the irst cluster, and the
third cluster of Umed Sagar pond and Kherjarli
pond showed less similarity with both clusters,
whereas the pond Umed Bhawan was found to be
the least similar and joined the cluster separately
(Fig. 17.4 ).
Diversity of Migratory Species
The number of migratory species has increased
with increase in the overall species proile of
Jodhpur avifauna. One hundred and twenty four
migratory species were recorded during 2005-
2013, out of which 46 species are rare migrant
and 32 species are common migrant to this place.
Rosypastor( Sturnus roseus )ofSturnidaefamily
was found to be the most abundant migrant spe-
cies. Anatidae is also a common migrant family;
species like pochards, shoveler, coots, geese, and
other ducks are common migrants likewise
families Scolopacidae (12 migrant species) and
Charadriidae (4 species). In family Gruidae,
demoisellecrane( Anthropoides virgo ) is a com-
mon and regular migrant. Likewise migration of
scrubland bird species to this place has also
increased, almost 48 species of 23 families.
Out of 17 species of Accipitridae family, 3 species
Jodhpur City is changing its ecological proile at
a very fast pace as there has been a tremendous
change in land use pattern due to increased
human population. This has resulted in the
shrinking of available habitats for the native
birds. On the other hand, there is increase in the
garden-lovingspeciesofbirds(Singh 2010 ) due
to the introduction of gardens as a result of
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