Environmental Engineering Reference
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average of 1,613 individuals of 100 species were
recorded during the winter study period. Alpha
( ʱ ) diversity was found to be about 3.22. Out of
100 species, 49 species were wetland dependent.
The shallow water body's maximum potential of
diversity ( H max ) was found to be 4.60; the even-
nessofthiswaterbodywasranked5th( E = 0.81)
among other sites. The pond is disturbed in the
recent past since the crop ields surrounding the
pond are increasing the organic contents and
increasing eutrophication due to cornields adjoin-
ingthelake(Table 17.3 and Fig. 17.2 ).
The lake harbors good species number;
presence of pelican and cormorants indicates
good ish fauna in the lake. However, recently,
people have started procession of idol submerg-
ing processes in this lake which might impact on
the water quality and the diversity of the birds.
mumdiversity( H max ) in the present scenario was
found to be 4.84. The evenness of this pond
showed that this is less disturbed and well pro-
tected. The forest department is planning to build
shelter belts on the western bank to reduce the
high speed wind.
Balsamand Lake
Balsamand Lake is situated (26.331° N
73.020° E) 5 km from Jodhpur on Jodhpur-
Mandore Road. This lake is about 1.5 km long
with 50 m width which reduces in the far end
opposite to the dam side. The depth of the lake is
about 15 m and surrounded with rocky habitat,
mostly steep banks except in the far end of the
lake. The lake was built in 1159 AD by Balak
Rao Parihar. It was designed as a water reservoir
to provide water to a nearby Mandore garden.
The lake is surrounded by lush green gardens
with large trees of mango, papaya, pomegranate,
this lush green place. However, the main lake is
rocky with surrounding vegetations of Prosopis
julilora, Calotropis procera, Ziziphus nummu-
laria, Euphorbia caducifolia Salvadora oleoides,
S. persica, and Dactyloctenium aegyptium . The
lake diversity is rich due to admixture of dry and
humid habit of the garden.
Alpha ( ʱ ) diversity was found to be 4.08
which is the highest of all study wetlands; even
the number of species were found lower (117)
than Kaylana Lake, Barli pond, and Soor Sagar
pond; this might be due to the high evenness in
the distribution of these species ( E = 0.866).
Although the potential species richness
( H max = 4.76) was found to be lower than many
study sites. Out of 117, only 52 species were
wetland species (Table 17.3 and Fig. 17.2 ).
Balsamand Lake is well protected from the time
the state developed a garden in the command
area of the dam which is one of the best gardens
issues like mining on the north side which is now
under control after proper intervention by the
state government.
Gudha Pond
Gudha Tank is located between 26.08′ 12 N and
73.06′ 30 E, 24 km south from Jodhpur. The pond
is a village pond of Gudha Bishnoi village which
is famous for the inhabiting eco-friendly Bishnoi
community. The pond is located in open scrub
and comes under forest land. It is protected with
wire fencing. The pond has two mud islands
inside which provide resting sites to ducks and
waders. In the surrounding area, check dam of
mud is constructed. Prosopis julilora is among
the major vegetation composition with few trees
like Prosopis cineraria and Salvadora oleoides .
Gudha pond is visited by several migratory
birds like domicile cranes and other ducks and
waders. It is a good spot for ecotourism; some
efforts by the state's forest department have been
made to develop the watch point and huts for
resting at the bank of the pond. Although the
tank is small in size, approximately 0.5 km 2
(Table 17.3 ), only yet it is found rich in its species
composition. An average of 2,076 individuals of
132 species was recorded during the study period.
The alpha (ʱ) diversity was found to be 3.74.
Out of 132 species, 64 were wetland dependent
(Table 17.3 and Fig. 17.2 ). The potential maxi-
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