Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
Habitat and Ecology
Inhabits in highland streams to lowland wetlands,
usually in streams and rivers with sand, pebble or
boulder substrate, seldom leaving bottom except
when disturbed. Also occurs in still waters,
marshes and dry zone tanks, sometimes stays
partially buried in fi ne substrate. Feeds at night
on benthic insect larvae, worms and some sub-
merged plant material.
9 . Labeo pangusia (Hamilton, 1822): Asan
River, Herbertpur (Singh 1964 ).
10. Catla catla (Hamilton, 1822): from Asan
River, Jhajra (Uniya 2010).
11. Schistura savona (Hamilton, 1822): as
Nemacheilus savona from Timli Forest
(Uniyal and Mehta 2007 ; Uniyal 2010 ) -
needs confi rmation for identity.
12. Gambusia holbrooki (Girard, 1859): as
Gambusia affi nis holbrooki from Asan River,
Kunja Grant (Uniyal 2010 ) - exotic species.
13. Sicamugil cascasia (Hamilton, 1822): from
Timli Forest (Uniyal 2010 ).
14. Channa marulius (Hamilton, 1822): from
Asan River at Badowala and Sabhawala,
stream near Timli Forest and Karwapani
15. Channa striatus (Bloch, 1793): as Channa
striatus from Asan River, Sabhawala;
stream near Timli Forest and Karwapani
16. Nandus nandus (Hamilton, 1822): from the
confl uence of Asan and Yamuna rivers
(Uniyal and Kumar 2006 ), Karwapani nala,
Asarori and Timli Forest (Uniyal 2010 ).
17. Osphronenus goramy (Lacepede, 1801):
from a stream near Bhatta fall, Mussoorie
road (Uniyal 2010 ) - exotic species.
18. Trichogaster fasciata (Bloch & Schneider,
1801): as Colisa fasciatus from the foothills
of Dehradun (Badola 2009 ), confl uence of
Asan and Yamuna rivers (Uniyal 2010 ;
Uniyal and Kumar 2006 ).
19. Mystus cavasius (Hamilton, 1822): from
Mothrowala near Herbertpur (Singh 1954).
20. Mystus gulio (Hamilton, 1822): from Asan
River, Herbertpur (Singh 1964 ) - primarily a
brackish water species.
21. Rita rita (Hamilton, 1822): from Dehradun
(Badola 2009 ).
22. Sperata seenghala (Sykes, 1839): as Mystus
seenghala from west Dehradun (Singh and
Gupta 1979 ).
23. Clupisoma garua (Hamilton, 1822): from
Dehradun (Badola 2009 ).
24. Ompok pabda (Hamilton, 1822): from the
confl uence of Asan and Yamuna rivers
(Uniyal and Kumar 2006 ).
Conservation Status
IUCN Red List, least concern.
Economically important species, both for food
and aquarium trade. Marketed fresh and fre-
quently seen in the aquarium trade. A popular
food fi sh especially when freshly caught in West
Doubtful Records of Species
from Asan River/Dehradun
1 . Botia dario (Hamilton, 1822): from
Dehradun (Badola 2009 ) and as Botia geto
from tributaries of Asan (Singh 1964 ) -
needs confi rmation for identity.
2 . Puntius phutunio (Hamilton, 1822): from
Dehradun (Badola 2009 ) - needs confi rma-
tion for identity as also doubted by Singh
1964 .
3 . Schizothorax progastus (McClelland, 1839):
Asan and its tributaries (Singh 1964 ).
4 . Amblypharyngodon mola (Hamilton, 1822):
from Asan River and its tributaries
5 . Barilius barila (Hamilton, 1822): from
Dehradun (Badola 2009 ), Asan River, vil-
lage Jhiva Redi and other localities (Uniyal
2010 ) - needs confi rmation for identity.
6 . Devario aequipinnatus (McClelland, 1839):
as Danio aequipinnatus from Dehradun
(Badola 2009 ).
7 . Labeo boga (Hamilton, 1822): from
Dehradun (Badola 2009 ).
8 . Labeo calbasu (Hamilton, 1822): Asan and
Yamuna in the west Doon (Singh 1964 ).
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