Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
Aquatic Resources: A Case Study
of Udaipur 'City of Lakes,
Hemant Mangal and Sandhya Pathania
Aquatic resources refer to water and its multiple roles as a natural resource
and in supporting all human, animal and plant life. It has a meaning that is
broader than that of water resources alone, in that it encompasses all the
possible roles for water, including human survival needs, supporting
aquatic ecosystems and as an essential component of economic develop-
ment. It considers both the quantity of available water and its quality for its
intended uses. Aquatic resources also encompass the linkage between
fresh water systems and the downstream coastal areas into which it drains,
where it sustains biologically rich and commercially important coast as
ecosystems. This chapter highlights the aquatic resources of Udaipur City,
and the study is based on secondary data collected from various government
and nongovernment organizations.
Aquatic ￿ Biodiversity ￿ Lakes ￿ Rajasthan
caps, about 30 % is ground water and a mere
0.27 % is surface water ( www.drinkingwater.com ) .
Water resources are important for the survival of
a planet. As water is a prime resource, a basic
need, it is essential to realise its full potential. It
has always played a very important role in human
life since its existence. All human activities are
affi liated to water. Water is a supreme economic
wealth besides its biological importance. It serves
as an ideal medium for biochemical reactions so
necessary for life. Thus water sustains life and
regulates all important economic activities
because of which it has been termed as the richest
of all economic resources. Nearly 70 % of the
The total water resources of the earth equal to
326 million cubic mile; only 2-5 % of water is
fresh water; 97.5 % is salt water. Almost 69 % of
fresh water resources are tied in glaciers and ice
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