Environmental Engineering Reference
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Fig. 12.5 ( a - d ) Occurrence and distribution of water moulds in water bodies, littoral zones and in soils (After
Prabhuji 2011 )
populations and hydrochemical characteristics of
a cluster of three lakes connected by a common
watercourse that were rich in sulphate, chloride
and calcium but defi cient in nitrate and phosphate.
Each lake harboured the spores of water moulds
but the species composition differed signifi cantly
among the three bodies of water.
Prabhuji ( 2005 ) has suggested there is a rela-
tionship between the geographical distribution
of Saprolegniaceae and oöspore type. Prabhuji
( 1979 , 1984a ) had pointed to the dominance of
the members of Saprolegniaceae with eccentric
oöspores in the tropics. Perusal of earlier
records, particularly for the occurrence of
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