Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
Table 11.4 (continued)
Key character for identii cation
Stenothyra foveolata (Benson)
Shell ovately conical with acute apex, suture
shallow, sculpture with spiral pits or punctuate
markings, aperture oblique ovate
Gangetic river bed within mud
Bihar, West Bengal
Stenothyra hungerfordiana (Nevill)
Shell small, almost cylindrical, apex obtuse
Creeks of tidal infl uence
Andaman's only
Stenothyra minima (Sowerby)
Shell small, ovately turbinate, narrowly
perforate, whorls 5, smooth, regularly
increasing, body whorl convex and rapidly
descending in front
Gujarat, Maharashtra Orissa
Stenothyra nana (Prashad)
Shell ovately conical, imperforate; whorls 4,
increasing very rapidly, body whorl large,
sub-rhomboidal in dorsal view
Hugli River and its tributaries
West Bengal
Stenothyra ornata (Annandale and
Shell imperforate, ovately conical; apex acute,
spiral whorls distinctly keeled in the middle,
last 4 whorls with spiral rows of blunt,
fl attened, blackish spines
Hugli River and its tributaries
West Bengal
Stenothyra soluta (Annandale and
Shell thick, globose, with fl attened spire,
concave at the apex
Hugli River and its tributaries with some tidal
infl uence
West Bengal: Gangetic delta.
It is a brackish water species
Stenothyra woodmasoniana (Nevill)
Shell ovately conical, spire acute, concavely
excavated, body whorl subangulate, fl attened
with rounded umbilical region; sculpture
smooth or may appear malleated under large
magnifi cation
Hugli River and its tributaries with some tidal
infl uence
West Bengal: Gangetic delta.
It is a brackish water species
Gangetia miliacea (Nevill)
Shell minute, less than 5 mm, ovate or
sub-cylindrical, aperture large, triangular area
between aperture and body whorl absent
Ganga river on stony substrate and form
Yamuna River at Allahabad from dense
submerged macrophytes
Bihar: Patna, Kerala, Orissa,
Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal
Iravadia annandalei (Preston)
Shell elongated, whorls 6; sculptured with
indistinct, irregular, spiral lirae, interstices, not
deep, transverse obsolete
Back water
Kerala: Cochin; Tamil Nadu:
Ennur back water
Iravadia ennurensis (Preston)
Whorls 5, spire less pointed, lower margin of
columella not produced
Back water
Tamil Nadu: Ennur back
water, Chennai
Iravadia funerea (Preston)
Shell fusiform, whorls 3, sculpture with coarse
spiral lirae showing traces of transverse
Back water
Kerala: Cochin back water
Iravadia princeps (Preston)
Whorls 7, spire less pointed, lower margin of
columella produced
Back water
West Bengal: outskirts of
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