Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
Table 11.3 Medical importance of freshwater mollusca
Medicinal importance
Economic importance
Reported by
Bellamya spp.
(1) Soup prepared from the fl esh used to cure
asthma, arthritis, joint swelling, rheumatism
and quick healing of wound
Commonly used as food in various part if India. Mainly tribal people, lower income
group and some section of middle class people taken as a food. Soft fl eshy part is a
very prestigious food items in some places
Dey ( 2008 )
(2) The snails cleaned and kept in water for
few hours and then water is used like an eye
drop to cure conjunctivitis
Pila globosa
Soup prepared from the eggs used to cure
thee rickets of the children
Used as food by the tribal and lower income group
Dey ( 2008 )
These are also valuable resource of food for ducks and hybrid Magur (fi shes) in
Sundarban area
Lamellidens marginalis,
Lamellidens corrianus
(1) Soup prepared used to cure cardiac
aliments and blood pressure
They produced the precious item pearl. These pearls are various in size and shape
and having good luster
Dey ( 2008 )
(2) Curry and soup is used for faster growth
and sound health
(3) Shell ash after burning mixed with honey
used for the remedy of giddiness, nervousness
and dehydration during the summer months
(4) Shell lime water used for killing of
intestinal parasites
Parreysia ( P ) favidens
(1) Soup prepared used to cure cardiac
aliments and blood pressure
This species used as food by a section of tribal and lower economic people. It is also
used to feed the ducks
Dey ( 2008 )
(2) Shell lime water used for killing of
intestinal parasites
Polymesoda bengalensis
This species is also economically very important. Huge quantities of these shells are
collected from the different parts of Sunderbans and brought to the shell factories at
canning where they powered by crushing them and used as calcium resources in
poultry feed
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