Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Prevention The BCG vaccination is recommended for those mixing closely with locals,
although it gives only moderate protection.
Spread through Food or water contaminated by infected human faeces.
Symptoms & effects Usually a fever or a pink rash on the abdomen. Sometimes sep-
ticaemia can occur.
Prevention A vaccine is available and gives protection for three years.
Environmental Hazards
Causes Heavy sweating and excessive fluid loss with inadequate replacement of fluids and
Symptoms & effects Headache, dizziness and tiredness.
Prevention & treatment Aim to drink sufficient water to produce pale, diluted urine. To
replace salt loss, drink oral rehydration fluids or plenty of savoury and sweet liquids (soup,
fruit juice etc).
Causes Occurs when the body's heat-regulating mechanism breaks down because of ex-
treme heat, high humidity, dehydration and physical exertion.
Symptoms & effects An excessive rise in body temperature, irrational and hyperactive be-
haviour and, in the most serious cases, loss of consciousness.
Prevention & treatment Acclimatisation to different climate conditions is the best way to
prevent heatstroke. Cool the person down with water and keep them in a cool, dark place.
Treatment is similar to that for heat exhaustion, but emergency fluids (intravenous) may be
needed for extreme cases.
Causes Mosquitoes, fleas, scorpions, bedbugs, spiders.
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