Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
With spring under way, this is the perfect time of year to come to Madagascar: tem-
peratures are pleasant, there is little rain and the kids have gone back to school.
Dry, deciduous forests are at their barest at this time of year - a godsend for birdwatchers.
Deprived of their usual camouflage, Madagascar's 280 bird species, a third of them endem-
ic, are easier to observe. Don't forget your binoculars.
Madagascar has over 1000 species of this delicate plant, 90% of which are endemic. Many
are endangered, however, so being able to see these floral works of art in the wild is an
increasingly rare experience.
As with spring all over the world, there is stunning blossom, birth and mating - a
great time of year to admire wildlife. Temperatures are also at their best, warm but
not stifling.
The delectable mango bursts on to the scene, inundating market stalls and roadsides, and
making its way into every dessert and fruit salad. The green fruit is picked earlier in August
and September to make achards (a pickled condiment) and savoury salads.
The exquisite purple blossom of the jacaranda tree is a sight to behold: its delicate colour
contrasts beautifully with urban greys and country greens, while petals carpet the ground
like a Technicolor version of snow.
The normally elusive fossa, Madagascar's biggest predator (and the baddie in Madagascar
the cartoon), makes quite a show of its loud nuptials. It's best observed in the Réserve
Forestière de Kirindy in western Madagascar.
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