Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
POP 32,000
The first major stop in the east after leaving Antananarivo on the RN2, this commercial
centre has little tourism value of its own, but you'll have to pause here if you're heading to
the Andasibe Parks on public transport. Take a pousse-pousse (rickshaw) around.
Musée de la Gendarmerie Nationale MUSEUM
(Police Museum; 56 821 39; Camp Tristany; admission Ar5000; 9-11am & 2.30-5pm
Sat, Sun & holidays) Exhibits cannons, police uniforms, a vintage taxi-brousse, and an
enormous bunch of dried marijuana.
Bezanozano HOTEL €€€
( 56 825 98, 033 12 083 24; d Ar80,000; ) This sprawling complex is your best choice
in this town, even if it isn't finished. The rooms are new and large, with balconies, and the
restaurant is excellent: try the pasta de la maison . Management is helpful, and a huge pool
is most welcome in summer. Prices negotiable.
Hotel Nadia HOTEL €
( 56 822 43; s/d/tr Ar20,000/30,000/40,000) A basic budget option in the middle of the
busy market, with its own cafeteria. Serviceable but could be cleaner.
Hôtel Restaurant Espace Diamant HOTEL €
( 56 823 76; d Ar30,000) A short walk west of the gare routière (station), this spic-and-
span hotel has new tiled rooms, big beds and a large restaurant.
( 56 820 45; mains from Ar6000; lunch & dinner Mon-Sat, lunch Sun) A neat painted
cafe off the main road, serving soupe chinoise (noodle soup with fish, chicken or veget-
ables), fried chicken and other Malagasy meals. Highly rated by locals.
La Sirène Dorée PIZZERIA €
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