Civil Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
Letter 215
To sub-contractor, assessing competence under the CDM Regulations
In accordance with Regulation 4 of the CDM Regulations 2007, we are obliged
to take steps to satisfy ourselves that you are competent. [ Where the contractor
and sub-contractor have a long and on-going business relationship add: ] Although,
in your case, this is little more than a formality we have to show that we have
taken reasonable steps. [ Then continue: ]
The Approved Code of Practice: 'Managing health and safety in construction'
states that competence should be assessed in relation to certain core criteria
which have been agreed by industry and HSE. We attach a copy of these
criteria which form Appendix 4 of the Code. We should be grateful if, by the
[ insert date ], you would furnish the evidence which we have highlighted in the
third column. The Code states that 'unnecessary bureaucracy associated with
competency assessment obscures the real issues . . . ' and we have
endeavoured to take this into account when requesting evidence.
Alternatively, if you are subject to an independent accreditation organisation
which assesses competence against these criteria, please provide relevant
Yours faithfully
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