Civil Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
Letter 196
To employer, giving notice of intention to refer a dispute to adjudication
Special delivery
Under the provisions of clause 9.2 [ substitute '7.2' when using MW or MWD
or '59(1)' when using GC/Works/1 (1998) ] and the Scheme for Construction
Contracts (England and Wales) Regulations 1998 [ omit when using GC/Works/1
(1998) ] we intend to refer the following dispute or difference to adjudication:
[ insert a description of the dispute including where and when it arose ]. We will be
requesting the adjudicator to [ insert the nature of the redress sought e.g., 'order
immediate payment of the outstanding amount of X or such sum as the adjudicator
decides is due' ].
For the record, the names and addresses of the parties to the contract are as
follows: [ set out the names and addresses which have been specified for the giving of
notices ].
[ Either, if the adjudicator is named in the contract, add: ]
The adjudicator will be [ insert name ] as specified in the contract
particulars/abstract of particulars [ delete as appropriate ].
[ Or, if the named adjudicator is unable to act or if none is named, add: ]
We are applying to [ insert the name of the nominating body ] for the nomination of
an adjudicator.
Yours faithfully
Copy: Adjudicator/nominating body [ delete as appropriate ]
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