Information Technology Reference
In-Depth Information
Using the gpresult.exe Command
The command-line utility gpresult.exe is included as part of the RSoP tool. Running the
command by itself without any switches returns the following Group Policy information
about the local user and computer:
The name of the domain controller from which the local machine retrieved the policy
The date and time at which the policies were applied
Which policies were applied
Which policies were filtered out
Group membership
You can use the switches shown in Table 6.2 to get information for remote users and
computers and to enable other options.
Table 6.2 is not a complete list. To see a complete list of the gpresult.exe
command, visit Microsoft at .
Table 6.2 gpresult switches
/S systemname
Generates RSoP information for a remote computer name.
/USER username
Generates RSoP information for a remote username.
/x /h filename
Generates a report in either XML ( /x ) or HTML ( /h ) format. The
filename and location is specified by the filename parameter.
Specifies verbose mode, which displays more verbose information
such as user rights information.
Specifies an even greater level of verbose information.
Displays maximum information about the computer policies applied
to this system.
Displays maximum information about the user policies applied to
this system.
Writes the output to a text file.
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