Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
chapter 4
The Game Team
Game teams come in different sizes, shapes, locations, and skill sets. They can vary by
company, game title, or platform. The different disciplines that are required to pro-
duce a working game are often organized into distinct teams within the overall game
team. The people on the game team must work together to complete the tasks that are
needed to get the game done on time and without serious defects. This chapter
explores typical team roles, different teams within the game team, and some typical
ways people are organized into teams and game projects.
The Development Team
This is the team that is responsible for producing properly working game code. Their
programming skills are used to bring the game design to life on the game hardware
platform(s). Problem-solving skills are used to quickly and efficiently deal with prob-
lems or new situations as they arise. A mastery of the software development tools used
for the project comes in handy when trying to do optimizations or fix particularly dif-
ficult defects.
Development Lead
The development lead defines the development activities that are needed for the project
and allocates them to the individual programmers. Additional tasks may be identified,
planned, and adjusted during the course of the project.
The development lead also establishes technical procedures and standards. He is usu-
ally responsible for selecting the right development tools and technologies to use both
for the production of the game code and for use by the game. This responsibility
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