Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 17.10 Revisited Custom Field window.
At this point you can click on the “stop�? icon in the Record Bar. Go back to Vermont
HighTest and finish recording by clicking the End selection from the Record menu.
Update the test header information and save your file.
When you are done, your test file should look something like this:
;FileName: c:\documents and settings\administrator\desktop\vht test files\minetest1.inb
;Created: Thu Dec 23 01:11:26 2004
;Author: Me
;Product: Game Testing All In One
;Abstract: Minesweeper automation example
ActivateWindow(“Shell_TrayWnd�?, “�?, NULL, 10.0)
ActivateWindow(“Progman�?, “Program Manager�?, NULL, 10.0)
ActivateWindow(“SysListView32�?, “FolderView�?, 1, 10.0)
ClickListView(1, “Minesweeper�?, DBLCLK, 0.0)
CompareScreen(“Window 1�?)
ActivateWindow(“Minesweeper�?, “Minesweeper�?, NULL, 10.0)
ClickMenu(“&Game�?, 0.09)
ClickMenu(“&Game;&Custom...�?, 2.67)
CompareScreen(“Region 1�?)
ActivateWindow(“#32770�?, “Custom Field�?, NULL, 10.0)
ClickEdit(141, 1, 0, 0.09)
Keys(“[Backspace]�?, 0.82)
Keys(“20�?, 0.37, 0.1)
ClickEdit(142, 1, 0, 1.74)
Keys(“[Backspace]�?, 0.62)
Keys(“20�?, 0.51, 0.06)
ClickEdit(143, 2, 0, 1.64)
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