Game Development Reference
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1. Open a file and give it a unique name that describes the scope of the TFD.
2. Draw a box near the top of the page and add the text “IN�? inside of it.
3. Draw a circle and put the name of your first state inside of it.
4. Draw a flow going from the IN box to your first state. Add the event name
“Enter�? to the flow. Note: Do not number any of the flows at this time. This
will be done at the end to avoid recordkeeping and editing the numbers if
you change the diagram during the rest of the design process.
Unlike the steps given for developing a pairwise combinatorial table in
Chapter 10, the middle steps for creating a test flow diagram do not have
to be followed in any particular order. Construct your diagram as your
mind flows through the game scenario you are testing. The creation of
the diagram should be iterative and dynamic, as the diagram itself raises
questions about possible events and their outcomes. Refer to the following
steps when you get stuck or when you think you are done to make sure you
don't leave out any parts of the process.
5. From your first state, continue to add flows and states. Flows can be con-
nected back to the originating state in order to test required behavior that
is transient (action) or missing (ignored, resulting in no action).
6. Record the traceability of each flow to one or more requirements, options,
settings, or functions. This could be as simple as ticking it off from a list,
highlighting portions of the game design document or done formally by
documenting this information in a Requirements Traceability Matrix (RTMX).
7. For each flow going from one state (A) to another state (B), check the
requirements for possible ways to go from B to A, and add flows as appro-
priate. If the requirements neither prohibit nor allow the possibility, review
this with the game, feature, or level designer to determine if a requirement
is missing (most likely), wrong, or ambiguous.
8. Once all requirements are traced to at least one flow, check the diagram
for alternative or additional ways to exercise each requirement. If a flow
seems appropriate, necessary, or obvious but can't be traced to any game
documentation, determine if there might be a missing or ambiguous
requirement. Otherwise, consider whether the flow is outside of the defined
scope of the TFD currently being constructed.
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